If you or a loved one are affected by cancer, there are several activities and groups available nearby.
The Ross Cancer Support Group meets in the John Kyrle High School conference room, every third Tuesday of the month at 17:30-19:30. After a long period where we have not been able to get together, we all agree that there is nothing like a face-to-face opportunity to meet and share our various experiences, and give mutual support.The group offers anyone who has been affected by cancer an opportunity to meet with like-minded people in a relaxed and social atmosphere.
The group is for anyone affected by cancer, for all age groups. A community support group who can signpost, support, provide information and shared experiences.
Ross Support Group
Also in Ross on Wye:
For young people when a loved one is seriously ill, Hope Support Services hosts groups for ages 5-11, 11-16 & 16-25 years at St Michaels Hospice, and community sessions in Ross-on-Wye. Their national online service offers one to one support over messenger, voice call or video call
01989 566317 Email: help@hopesupportservices.org.uk www.hopesupport.org.uk Hope Support Services,Overross House, Ross Park, Ross-on-Wye HR9 7US
Other cancer support services in Herefordshire
Herefordshire Breast Cancer Support Group Email: info@hbcsg.co.uk www.hbcsg.co.uk
Brain Tumour Support Group – Hereford Email Lucy@braintumoursupport.co.uk www.braintumoursupport.co.uk
Swallows Head and Neck Cancer Charity Herefordshire & Worcestershire contact: Email: Chris@theswallows.org.uk National: Info@theswallows.org.uk www.theswallows.org.uk There is also a 24/7 patient and carer support line on 07504 725 059 365 days a year
Yeleni Cancer Support (Hereford) 01432 342 342 yelenisupport.co.uk/welcome/cancer-support/
Macmillan Cancer Information & Support Service at Hereford County Hospital
Email: hereford.cancerinfoandsupport@nhs.net www.macmillan.org.uk
Macmillan Welfare Benefits Advice 01432 377587 Email macmillan@citaherefordshire.org.uk